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Tournée de l’INCASS/SSC à travers le pays | Visualization as a Diagnostic Tool for Estimands with Pairwise Matching of Multiple Treatments

novembre18, 2022 | 12:00 pm12:45 pm EST

Dre Gabrielle Simoneau, biostatisticien principal principal, Biogen Digital Health
Animé par Dre Joanna Mills Flemming, directrice associée de l’INCASS, région Atlantique

Vendredi 18 novembre | 12h00-12h45 HE
Biogen Digital Health, Montréal
Sur Zoom


Résumé de présentation (en anglais): Propensity score matching is among the most popular confounding adjustment methods for comparative effectiveness research in non-randomized settings, and these methods are increasingly being used for comparisons of more than two treatments. When pairwise matching is applied to estimate treatment effects for multiple pairs of treatments, the underlying target population changes across the comparisons. This is attributable to the differences in covariate distributions across treatment groups. Consequently, this results in different treatment effect interpretations for the different underlying populations across the multiple pairwise comparisons. The interpretation of treatment effect estimates in relation to the matching (i.e., the target estimand) is rarely clarified and consequently might lead to erroneous conclusions about real-world effectiveness of different treatments. Based on empirical research, we illustrate that multiple pairwise matching for the investigation of comparative effectiveness of more than two treatments can lead to targeting different estimands. We propose visualization tools to illustrate the problem and clarify the connection between estimand, target population and pairwise matching to avoid misinterpretations and treatment decision-making errors in clinical practice.

À propos de Gabrielle Simoneau: Dre Gabrielle Simoneau a obtenu son doctorat en biostatistique de l’Université McGill en 2019 sous la supervision des docteurs Erica Moodie et Robert Platt. Début 2020, elle a rejoint Biogen, une société de biotechnologie en neurosciences, en tant que biostatisticienne dans un groupe axé sur l’analyse et les innovations méthodologiques pour les preuves du monde réel. Ses responsabilités actuelles comprennent les méthodes et les stratégies de recherche sur l’efficacité comparative, la médecine de précision et les données numériques sur la santé.


novembre18, 2022
12:00 pm–12:45 pm EST
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