Atlantic Climate Research Collaboration

The Atlantic Climate Research Collaboration (ACRC) began in November 2023 as a partnership of Research Nova Scotia (RNS) and CANSSI.

One project was jointly supported during the initial launch phase. The program is now managed by CANSSI Atlantic.

The ACRC initiative supports projects that tackle complex problems related to climate change and its impacts on coastal communities.

Aperçu du programme

ACRC-funded projects investigate climate change impact on coastal communities and opportunities for mitigation and adaptation that have the potential for immediate impact on society.

The program provides support for research projects that have a significant component related to developing new fundamental statistical and inferential data science methodology and models and/or applying statistical and data science methods and models in innovative ways. It has several goals:

  • Favoriser et soutenir la recherche et la formation qui couvrent les établissements postsecondaires et les disciplines du Canada atlantique
  • Fournir un environnement inclusif qui attire des professeurs, des étudiants et des partenaires d’application de partout au Canada atlantique
  • Créer des équipes de recherche collaborative qui survivent au programme lui-même

CANSSI Atlantic manages the program. Funding is expected to be between $50,000 and $100,000 per project; funded projects must conclude by March 2026.

Comment s’inscrire

En 2022 et 2023, il y aura trois rentrées par an (automne, hiver, printemps).

Les candidatures pour l’admission 1 (hiver 2022) ont été clôturées en février 2023. La prochaine admission est prévue pour l’automne 2023.

Stay tuned for details on how to apply.

Nous sommes ici pour aider

We encourage you to consult with CANSSI Atlantic regarding your potential application before submission.